An unseasonal refashion

No, it isn’t summer any more here either, but here is a quite unseasonal pair of refashions! I finished them a few weeks ago but hadn’t got around to posting them, so here they are.

Firstly, a pretty green dress that just didn’t look quite right on. It was a bit baggy on the top, though the skirt was lovely as is.

IMG_0842At first i just cut off the skirt, which was fine on its own, and thought i might use the top fabric for a bag or something.


But as it turned out, the fabric sat around for a while and i kept looking at it, and i quite liked the shape and cut of the back neckline, so in the end i turned it around, did a lot of unpicking and re-stitching of the dark green binding, and made it a lace-up back top, which i love the look of at the moment, and is easily re-sizeable. I also added some dark green fabric from another top i cut up to make a double-layered ruffle around the hem of the top. I added some of this fabric to the skirt as well, to add a bit more feature and length, and to make a stronger waistband.

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For this next i’m afraid i don’t have before pictures, but it was essentially a sleeveless summer dress. I did some cutting and hemming around the neckline and to make a large scoop out of the back of the dress. I then used pink yarn to blanket-stitch around the neckline edges to create a base for me to crochet into, then did some very simple crochet stitches all around the new neckline and back shape i had made. I crocheted some ties for the halterneck and a long string to lace up the back of the dress, and voila!

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Both these little summer outfits are destined for my Etsy shop, but i think they will have to wait for next summer!